
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - January 2015


If any one gets lost.. If any person gets lost or missing than it is effective to write Surah Lail on deer’s skin and hang it on a tree.


For Repenting: If anyone considers himself as sinful and want to repent than he should try to recite Surah Fateha as much as he can after every prayer.


For fulfilling every desire: If any one has any desire and there is an obstacle in fulling the desire than at first Thursday of any new moon offer Isha prayer and after that recite Surah Fateha 21 times constantly for 40 days with 11 times Durood Sharif before and after and every day after the Amal pray Allah Almighty for his need. InshAllah the desire will be fulfilled within 4 days.


For Strong Memory: If any one has the desire of enhancing his knowledge and getting command over all worldly and religious knowledge and keep them safe in his memory than he should recite Surah Fateha 21 times after Tahajjud prayer, his memory will get strong.


Get rid of disasters and demons: any one wants to stay safe from disasters and demons and never get any serious problem than he should recite Surah Fateha 7 times after every prayer and pray Allah Almighty.


For abundance in earning: whosoever wants to get abundance in his livelihood than recite Surah Fateha seven times after Maghrib prayer in a way that when reach at the Ayat




Repeat it seven times and when complete the recitation 7 times than pray Allah Almighty. InshAllah there will be abundance in livelihood.


Get rid of accidental disaster: if any one is in accidental disaster or if any one is in trouble than recite Surah Fateha 125 times after Asar prayer with Durood Sharif 11 times before and after, InshAllah the problem will go away within 7 days.


For getting long term popularity: If any one wants to maintain his popularity for long term than he should recite Surah Fateha 21 times after every prayer and make it habit.


For keeping sorrow away: if any one is in a condition of sorrow and if the sadness is not going away than he should recite Surah Fateha 7 times after every prayer and ask for forgiveness to Allah almighty. If any one wants to be friend of Allah, than he should offer Tahajud prayer regularly and recite Surah Fateha 11 times with durood sharif before and after and pray and ask any thing and Allah Almighty will fulfill it.


For possessed: If any one is possessed than recite Surah Fateha 3 times, Ayat Al Kursi 1 time, all four Quls and first five Ayats of Surah Jinn 1 time and blow it on water and spray the water on the face of a possessed person. If there is any demon in any house than spray that water in all corners of the house.


Treatment of Anger: if any one remains angry than recite Surah Fateha 41 times and blow on water and the affected person should drink that water.


For consistency in Prayer: If any one has no consistency of concentration in prayer and he feels to be annoyed by Satan than recite Surah Fateha 11 times and pray, it will be accepted. Do this Amal regularly. It is for night prayer and being punctual at prayer.




Recitation of Kalma Tayyeba for getting success in all purposes: (Saba Naz, Lahore)


Respected Hakeem Sahab Assalamoalaikum! I am writing the following for all readers of Ubqari and Muslims. I hope that the readers will get benefit from it and remember me in their prayers.


Message for Forgiveness: when one recites Kalma  than an angel takes this Kalma towards the sky and his way another angels meets him and asks where he was going and he tells that I am taking the Kalma of a person to Arsh and the one coming on earth says that I am bringing the message for his forgiveness from Arsh and going to give it to the same person.




Munkir Nakir and Kalma Tayyeba: Prophet (PBUH) says that when a dead body is placed in the grave, there come two angels to him, they are of black color and blue eyes and one of them is called Munkir and other is Nakir and they ask the deceased like this.


“What do you say about this person (Muhammad PBUH)? Than the deceased will recite this Kalma in answer that he is apostle of Allah and messenger (PBUH).




Than these two angels will say that we had the idea that you will say this after watching you. Than his grave will be broadened and he will be provided light in the grave and than they will ask the deceased that sleep and take rest like a bride as no one touches the bride except her groom.


If the deceased will say this only from tongue and there will be no acceptance from his heart than angels will say that we already knew you will say this from your face. After that the earth will be asked to become equal and it would be equal for him in a way that his right ribs will go in left ribs and left into right and he will stay in curse till the day of judgment. (Trimzi).


World of Angels and Kalma Tayyeba:


It is written in Israr al Aarafeen that in mountain of Koh Qaaf, there are 40 more worlds besides this world. Every world has 40 parts and each part of the world is bigger than the present world. There is no darkness in any of these 40 worlds, (Continuing)




Wazifa to fulfill every desire:


Respected Hakeem Sahab Assalamoalaikum! I am sending a Wazifa to serve the readers which is tested many times. One of our neighbors’ husband was abroad who got trapped in a problem and she recited this Wazifa and it worked for her. A woman was divorced and there were no chances of her second marriage, she did this Wazifa and got married. This Wazifa is very small but beneficial. The method of this Wazifa is that offer two Nafals at a place and do not move from the place and stay in same condition, recite the following by keeping in heart your desire and recite Durood Sharif before and after the Wazifa, than pray Allah Almighty, Inshallah your wish will come true.








(Masand Ahmad), (Masood ur Rehman, Hari Pur)






Since when I came to know those sleeping on soft beds have same dreams like those of sleeping on bared earth, my trust for divine justice has increased. (Khalil Jibran).




There is always light as angels live there and since Allah has created the world, angels are reciting Kalma there.


Tasbeeh of Hazrat Qarqaeel Kalma: Hazrat Khawaja Moeen ud Din Chishti (RHT) says that Allah Almighty has created the mountain of Qaaf (koh Qaaf) and this mountain is biggest that it has surrounded all the world and all the worldly things are in it, it is also discussed in Quran as Qaaf wal Quran al Majeed.


Allah Almighty has created an angel who is sitting on the peak of Qaaf and reciting the Tasbeeh of Kalma. His name is Qarqaeel. He expands his hands or contracts them and the veins of the world is in hands. When Allah Almighty wants shortage of this in world than with the order of Allah, the angel contracts the veins of the world and the water in rivers becomes less and the earth becomes dry and barren. And when Allah wants to increase things on earth than the angel open the veins of the world and there becomes access of things on the earth.


When Allah Almighty wants to frighten the creatures and wants to show his wonders than the angel gets the order of earth quake and earth shakes till the order is implemented.


Whosoever wants to increase his livelihood and get rid of less livelihood than he should recite Kalma Tayeeba in abundance after Fajar prayer in ablution. Allah Almighty with the blessings of kalma Tayyeba, will increase his earning and whosoever will recite Kalma Tayyeba after watching new moon than Allah Almighty will keep him away from diseases.


Whosoever will recite Kalma Tayeba at time of setting of the sun or decline daily one thousand times, his Satan will become weaker and older.


For getting victory over enemy: daily recite Kalma Tayyeba 125 times after Isha prayer and pray Allah Almighty, the enemy will be loser.


For opening opportunities: recite durood Sharif after every Friday prayer before and after and recite Kalma Tayyeba in middle 101 times and pray Allah Almighty for any purpose. Repeat this Amal for 7 weeks, Inshallah, will get results in few days.


For paying loans: Recite Kalma Tayyeba 125 times after every prayer with Durood Pak before and after and pray Allah Almighty and repeat this Amal for 40 days.


Amal for Victories: Recite Kalma Tayyeba with Bismillah in a way that when it is first Sunday of moon and time of after Maghrib prayer. Recite 70 times Kalma tayyeba  and on Monday recite 60 times, on Tuesday recite 50 times, on Wednesday recite 40 times, on Thursday recite 30 times, on Friday recite 20 times and on Saturday 11 times and total 282 times in a week. Recite durood Pak 11 times before and after and repeat the process at every lunar month on Sunday. Inshallah will get divine help and every hurdle will go away.


Malak ul Maut and Kalma Tayyeba:


Hazrat Jaafar Bin Muhammad (RHT) says that Malak ul Maut sees the faces of people at five times of prayers and if he sees any one is regular at prayers and his death time is near than he takes away satan from him and give him the opportunity to recite Kalma Tayyeba.


Kalma and disobedient son of a mother: Hazrat Abdullah narrates that a person came to Prophet (PBUH) and said that there is a boy whose death time is near but he is not able to recite Kalma Tayyeba. The prophet (PBUH) asked that was he not regular at reciting Kalma in his daily routine? He said he used to recite. Than the apostle (PBUH) of Allah went with him and asked the boy to recite La Ilaaha IllAllah, he replied that I am unable to recite it. The prophet (PBUH) asked why? He said that i was disobedient of my mother. Than Prophet (PBUH) asked that you mother is alive? He replied yes!. So the woman came to the Prophet (PBUH) and He asked her that Is he your son?, she replied yes!, the Prophet (PBUH) said if your son will be put in fire or you will be given option to forgive him , than will to forgive him? She said yes!t The Prophet (PBUH) than said by making me and Allah witness, you say that you are not angry with him now. So she said and the boy recited Kalma and his died easily.


The Prophet (PBUH) thanked Allah Almighty saying that through me this boy got rid of hell fire.


The recitation of Kalma gives such benefits that are beyond words as the words can end but the blessings of Kalma can never end.


Spiritual treatment of Cancer


(Ubaid ullah, Quetta)


In present era, the disease of cancer was considered as horrible as whosoever suffers this disease, thinks that there is no treatment of this disease. It is not correct as if Allah Almighty has created any disease than also created its treatment.  (Rawah Al Bukhari An Abbi Huaira), than whoever get the treatment, Allah Almighty takes the disease away from him. Those suffering from this disease practice every possible measure for getting rid of it but besides this, there should also be some spiritual treatment and there is a strong hope from Allah Almighty that with the blessings of His name, the disease will go away.


Those suffering from this disease should seek and pray Allah Almighty to get rid of this disease, recite Quran Majeed in abundance, (Continued)




Special Prescription for Leukoria:


HUwalshafi: Taba Sheer 5 tola, Konch seed 5 tola, majo 5 tola, kachur 5 tola, harir khurd 5 tola, siparian 5 tola, kuza misri 5 tola, maeen 5 tola, phool makhanay 5 tola, kamarkas 5 tola, giri singhara 5 grams, cardamoms 2 tola, grind these items and make a medicine. On empty stomach at morning take one tola with Sharbat Anjbar and in evening take 1 tola with same Sharbat. (Atta ul Mustafa, Wahga Border)





It has remedy and keep doing following spiritual treatment. INSHALLAH you get cure soon. Famous Sheikh Muhammad Arif of Arab said that an adept Sheikh treated patients of different kind of cancer by following spiritual treatment and by blessings of ALLAH they got cured. That spiritual treatment is as follows:

Complete surat Fatiah after Tawz and Tasmeia, initial 5 verses of Surat Baqra, after it verse number 164 and 165, after it Surat Baqra Para 3 verse number 2555,256,257, after it Surat Baqra Para 3 last two verses 285,286, first five verses of  Surat Al-Immran  Para 3 first five verses, then Surat Al-Immran  Para 3 verse 18, then Surat Al-Immran  Para 3 verse 26,27, Surat Araf Para 8 verse 54,55,56, Surat Araf Para 9 verse 117 to 119, after it Surat Younas Para 11 verse 79 to 82, after surat  Twaha para 16 verse 65 to 69, after it surat Mominon Para 18 verse 115 to 118, then surat Hashar Para 28 verse 21 to 24, then first fifteen veres surat Safat para 23, then surat Rehman Para 27 verse 31 to 33, then surat Mulk Para 29 verse 3 and 4, then surat Qalm para 29 verse 51 and 52, then first three verses of Surat Jinn, then Surat Kafiron, surat Falaq and surat Naas.

Recite 7 times above mentioned verses and blow on at least three glass of water, and make routine drinking this water.

Treatment of physical diseases through spiritual image: (Sufi Muhammad Arshad Qureshi, Multan)

Following are name of physical disease and Digits as per Names Of ALLAH as treatment. procedure is recite complete [SPACE OF ARABIC] and write required digits on right wrist with any pen, marker or ball pen. INSHA ALLAH patient will be cured in right half hour. After cure please pray for me, respected Hakeem Sahib and complete team of Ubqari by whom hard work you can read tested Wazaif and essays. May ALLAH protect all of you including all of us. AAMEEN.



for every kind of throat pain


For mosquito sting


Burn from fire or water


Vomit in plane or train


Low blood pressure control


High blood pressure control




Prevention from winter


Treatment of paralysis


Sugar control


Pain from fear or shock


Swelling in knees and joints




Poisonous gas of swelling


Pimples of face



Blessings of Naylen Shareef: (Abdullah bin Muhammad Eesa, Korangi Karachi)

Respected Hakeem Sahib Aslam O Alikum! I have an image which was published in book “Momin ka Hathiyar” by Hazrat Molana Omar Palan Puri رحمت اللہ علیہ , but now it is not printed in last part of book, that image has lots of benefits that I am writing with letter, after marriage of my sister there were strange things happening in her house, sometime marks of hands of adults or kids on mirror, pungent oudor from house, one day washing machine and bed both cracked down, everything is going good since I hanged image of Naylaen Mubarak in her house.

It has many other benefits but I am mentioning one that I experienced: if pregnant lady holds Naqsh Naylaen Mubarak in her hand during delivery the whole process becomes so easy. Me and my sister tested it so many times and got many benefits. One incident is of our home, in first operation our sister gave birth to a girl, second time doctors said about operation, my other sister gave her Naqsh Naylaen Mubarak by order of ALLAH and blessings of Naqsh Naylaen Mubarak ALLAH blessed her with one boy and one girl without any operation, my sister gave it many women in surroundings and there is not a single women who didn’t have ease in her delivery.

My priceless treasures (Sufi Iqbal (Marhom), Sara e Alemger)

Prescription for cold


Marvelous prescription for circumstantial hemorrhoids

I am also writing prescription for hemorrhoids it might be helpful for some poor, patient take Taramyra (تارامیرا) with water of night in every morning prior to eating anything else. INSHA ALLAH it will be cured soon. Apart from it tie up Barg Madhar with thread around spin, INSHA ALLAH hemorrhoids will be cured.

For cold and flu:

If cold and flu has disturbed you then take 12.5 grams of black FLAFAL, 12.5 grams of DANA ILAECHI KALAN, SONTH  8.73 grams of SONTH, DARCHENI 8.73 grams. Fine grind these things to make powder. In morning and evening take 0.485 grams with water

Manly power that will make you astonish…!!!

It is marvelous homemade prescription, reaming’s of filtered powder of barley, cook 20 grams of  MANQA in 375 grams of water. Filter it when 250 grams of water remain. Drink it daily after sweetening it. It will tremendously increase manly power.

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